What are the returns you can obtain in this market.

Let's exemplify annual returns by buying different markets. Let's start with real estate: in this type of investment you can expect an annual return of between 7 and 10% in good cases, because you receive money from your income and also if you have capital gains from the area in which you bought.

Moving on to fixed income or bonds: the returns are already set when investing, of course the least profitable are banks or government debt and the most profitable are sofipos or conglomerates that gather for their own fund and take it as credit between 3% and 18%

In another market like the stock market it depends on whether you invest in ETFs and this is where you can start losing money because the company you buy or the fund is in the negative but you can also get interesting returns like Nvidia was last year and it can be more interesting because in this market you can already leverage

-% ~ 100%

And finishing with this market, it is clear that this may be the one in which you have more liquidations or burn your accounts more times, but this is the only one in which, although it may sound like a salesman's phrase, in this one you can become a millionaire in a year

I want to give some of the returns I expect in some currencies and of course they can rise aggressively depending on the leverage

Scenarios at the end of the year or first quarter of 2025

Btc 100% ~ 130%

BNB 200% ~ 250%

Ada 500% ~ 800%

Hbar 1000% ~ 2000%

Of course, the greater the benefit, the greater the risk, although if we base ourselves only on the cyclical market, these values ​​are very feasible.