
Celestia is a data layer platform for decentralized applications (dApps). Unlike other blockchains such as Ethereum, Celestia does not keep execution operations (validating and confirming transactions) in the execution layer. This makes Celestia more scalable and secure.

By Whom Was It Created?

Celestia was founded in 2019 by John Adler and Aditya Agarwal. Adler is an entrepreneur who previously worked at Cosmos and Tendermint. Agarwal is a former Google engineer.

How does it work?

Celestia consists of two main layers:

  • Data Layer: This layer stores all the data required for dApps.

  • Application Layer: This layer is where dApps run.

The data layer is operated by a set of independent nodes. These nodes synchronize and store all data on Celestia's network. The application layer, on the other hand, provides a set of tools and services that developers can use to create dApps.

What Does It Offer?

Celestia offers dApps developers the following:

  • Scalability: Celestia's data layer can support an unlimited number of dApps, unlike other blockchains.

  • Security: Celestia's data layer is decentralized and more resistant to attacks.

  • Sovereignty: Celestia allows developers to have full control over their dApps.

Who is it for?

Celestia is the ideal platform for developers who want to create scalable, secure and sovereign dApps. The platform supports various types of dApps, such as games, DeFi, and NFTs.

What is the Future?

Celestia is still in development, but has the potential to become a major player in the dApp ecosystem. The platform's scalability, security, and sovereignty will make it an attractive choice for future dApps.