
Understand the four iron laws of Bitcoin to help you make steady profits in the cryptocurrency circle!

First, the bull and bear cycles of Bitcoin show a regular change of four years. Among them, the bull market often lasts for one and a half years, while the bear market lasts for three years. Looking back at history, the bull markets of Bitcoin occurred in 2012-2013, 2016-2017, and 2020-2021. According to this cycle, the industry generally predicts that the next bull market will appear in 2024-2025.

Secondly, the halving of Bitcoin is the focus of market attention. After the halving, it usually takes about six months for the bull market to really start. This time, we expect this important moment to come in mid-to-late June.

Furthermore, in a bear market, the price of Bitcoin often experiences a sharp drop, usually between 70% and 90%. Therefore, the golden opportunity to buy the bottom usually occurs after the price drops by 70%. If the market bottoms out for the second time, it is an excellent opportunity to buy boldly. According to the current market situation, the bottom of the bear market in 2023 may be around 15,400, while the bottom in May 2024 may reach around 53,000.

Finally, regarding the future price trend of Bitcoin, industry expert Feilong made a bold prediction. He believes that by 2025, the price of Bitcoin is expected to reach $200,000 per coin, a prediction based mainly on market trends and technical analysis. At the same time, Feilong also gave a relatively conservative selling suggestion, that is, to start selling when the price of Bitcoin reaches $120,000, and gradually reduce holdings as the price rises. Such a strategy helps investors reduce market risks while protecting their returns.

In short, mastering these four iron laws of Bitcoin will help you to make steady progress in the currency circle and avoid losses. Remember, investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. When investing in Bitcoin, be sure to do sufficient research and preparation to cope with market fluctuations and challenges.