Well, after almost 2 weeks of buying low and selling high, I broke even on my long position of $ETH .

Now I sold part of that position (simply because I had bought to lower my entry point) and I will wait for it to go up or, if it goes down, I will buy back what I sold, so as to continue pulling my BE down.

Of all the strategies I've tried so far, DCA is the best. I'm not saying that I'm making money (very little, considering that this takes weeks, although it's also true that I risk little too), but I definitely stopped losing: I haven't closed at a loss in more than a month! And in this volatile market this is a lot. I hope that when the halving madness passes it will be even easier.

Finally, I use #Etherum because it allows you to buy small amounts (I always open positions with the minimum). Other currencies require a larger initial investment, and that would expose my position a lot.