$BTC Bad habits that must be changed in the currency circle!

1: Stubbornness

Many people are really stubborn, it's terrible, they just think their views are right. In fact, everyone makes mistakes, and only by constantly correcting mistakes can they succeed. Our previous views may be different from our current views, because the level has increased. Many people don't listen to other people's opinions and go all the way to the end

2: Like heavy positions

Because most people don't want to get rich slowly, and have little capital, they like to work hard to make miracles. Occasionally, they will make a lot of money with heavy positions, but in the long run, they will mostly lose money. And they are scared to death every day, and they are worried, which leads to poor orders due to high pressure.

3: Like to go against the trend

For example, many people will go short when they are bullish, and they always feel that it's over. In fact, the bull market is very scary. The currency circle fluctuates too much, and it's also terrible when it rises.

4: Like to trade frequently

To be honest, who can guess what it is within a day? It's mostly luck. After analyzing it over and over again, it's actually a probability problem. Sometimes it's pure luck. It's definitely not okay to rely on luck. Besides, the handling fee is also very expensive, so you must control your hands. There are opportunities everywhere every day. Only take action when there is an opportunity!

5: I like to play local dogs

It is true that some dogs fly to the sky, but 99% of the dogs can't actually be listed, and you can't see them, they are dead. Local dogs are risky, and it is recommended not to play without a high level. Don't look at some people making money, countless people will not tell everywhere if they lose money.

6: Pay attention to safety

The currency circle is a dark forest, with countless pits, fake websites, phishing, fake addresses, scams, countless. Some people are too naive and believe everything they see. This is not okay. You must be careful to verify! Remember, be careful and careful.