A decentralized GPU network to accelerate the AI ​​revolution is a revolutionary decentralized GPU network that aims to provide unlimited computing power by integrating more than one million GPUs from independent data centers, cryptocurrency miners, and projects such as Filecoin and Render. This platform greatly improves the scalability, accessibility, and efficiency of computing, with the goal of fair access to computing resources, unlocking unprecedented potential for machine learning applications.

图片Team Background

The founding team of originated from the field of quantitative trading and is committed to developing institutional-level quantitative trading systems for stocks and crypto assets. Based on a deep understanding of back-end computing needs, the team turned to exploring the possibility of decentralized computing and focused on reducing the cost of GPU computing services. Founder and CEO Ahmad Shadid has a rich background in quantitative and financial engineering and was a volunteer at the Ethereum Foundation. Chief Strategy Officer Garrison Yang was the vice president of strategic growth at Avalanche before joining, and has deep industry experience and strategic perspectives. COO Tory Green comes from Hum Capital and has extensive experience in corporate operations.

Financing History has completed a round of A-round financing worth $1 billion, successfully raising $30 million. This round of financing was led by Hack VC, and the participating investors included Multicoin Capital, Delphi Digital and many other well-known investment institutions. It is worth mentioning that this financing attracted investment from the Aptos Foundation, prompting the project to move from Solana to Aptos, a high-performance blockchain platform.


Token Distribution and Economic Model sets the total number of IO tokens at 800 million, with an initial circulation of 500 million. The remaining 300 million are used for community rewards, which are reduced year by year in a deflationary model. The main source of income for IO tokens is booking and rental fees on the network, as well as withdrawal fees. In addition, IO tokens are also a payment and incentive medium in the network. For AI startups and developers, it simplifies the payment process; for GPU resource providers, it ensures that their labor is fairly rewarded.


Future Outlook is committed to creating a fully decentralized, fair and transparent market, and plans to develop pricing schemes and create benchmarking tools for miner hardware. This platform is not only a model of technological innovation, but also a blueprint for the future of the sharing economy. Through blockchain technology, and similar platforms are redefining the way digital resources are shared, heralding an industry change that may be comparable to Uberization.

In short, represents the future of decentralized AI computing, and its technological innovation and community-driven model are expected to promote widespread application and rapid development in the field of AI.