All the money earned from the cryptocurrency circle comes from the party that loses money. There is no so-called win-win situation here, it is a zero-sum game. #BTC #ETH #BNB

Looking at the lines in the cryptocurrency circle is actually very, very useful. Even if dozens of models are constructed to infer, it is difficult to predict the market. The rise and fall of virtual currency comes from the dealer's understanding of retail investors, the speculation and use of retail investors' psychology, and covers a lot of social engineering Q knowledge.

Come and play a game, and you will understand.

Now fish out a stone from the sea, it has edges and corners, it is ordinary, but how much can this stone sell for? The answer is priceless. If you want to sell this stone, you must first tell everyone where the stone comes from, in the sea.

But simply saying in the sea is not enough, you have to add some background stories to it. For example, this is a stone buckled from the Atlantis stone pillar, proving the existence of Atlantis. Then, they will report it widely, hold several meetings with experts, and publish news in several media. In this way, a piece of ordinary stone will be sold at a sky-high price, even if it is not fished out of the sea or picked up on the roadside. The same method can be used.

These information are just truths when you don’t understand the market and the connotation of the information. When experts see this stone, they will just smile and walk away.

Let me show you a fun picture. You will understand that everything in this circle can be arranged, and what we need to do is how to survive in the cracks. Follow me to learn more about the cutting-edge consultation of the currency circle and the wealth of Mima.