Bitcoin has reached 60,000-70,000 US dollars per coin. Will anyone still think that Bitcoin is a scam?

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy businessman named Xiaolin who liked to collect jewelry and jade. One day, Xiaolin bought a jade plate from a jeweler at a high price. As a result, within two days of buying it, he found that the jade plate was a fake. How did he find out?

For collectibles such as jade plates, there is a very special way to test it. That is, drop water on the jade plate. If the water drops can spread like pearls, then the jade plate is most likely real, but if the water drops become a pool, it is fake.

Xiaolin's jade plate can't do the dripping ball rolling, he was very painful, but he didn't want to admit it. After all, it cost a lot to buy this. So he thought of a way to coat the jade plate with a layer of oil film. After the oil film is on the jade plate, it can achieve the effect of dripping water and rolling balls.

Relying on this little trick, Xiaolin successfully sold the jade plate. But what happened next gradually began to exceed Xiaolin's expectations.

Because the jade plate itself was in good condition, Xiaolin was fooled at that time. In addition, Xiaolin was also very famous in the cultural and art circle. As a result, the jade plate, with Xiaolin's endorsement, was circulated very well in the circle of rich people, traded frequently, and the price was hyped up. At the same time, with repeated inspections, the oil film on the jade plate became thinner and thinner.

When the oil film broke completely one day, whoever had the jade plate would be the final victim. Of course, there was also a special nickname for this person - the receiver (leek).

Seeing this, everyone may be confused. Did no one really see Xiaolin's trick? How could it be traded so many times? To be honest, none of those rich people are really stupid. They are all smart.

Why do the rich people pretend to be confused when they know the truth? The reason is very simple. They don't care whether the jade plate itself is real or fake. They just want to be able to sell the jade plate in their hands and make money. This is the most important thing.

--《Dripping Water Rolling Ball Game》

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