AAVE's current market analysis shows that the 1/2/4 hour levels are all short, with special attention to the long and short price of the antenna: 87.22. If this position can be broken, there is an opportunity for a small long transaction based on the current market conditions. Note that the pressure levels are: 91.57, 96.44 and 133.97. 🔥🔥🔥🐍qu1n ➕唯 ZBZ114

If the price fails to break through this key long and short price of the antenna, the market may continue to show a short market. We should pay attention to the support level: around 67.86.

Brothers! There are risks in contract trading, and you need to consider carefully when formulating trading strategies. In the currency circle, blindly pursuing high returns often leads to losses, and hard work does not necessarily bring wealth. Be sure to treat it rationally and control risks reasonably.

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