The road to wealth in life sometimes only requires a few key leaps. Two bull markets are enough to change a person's economic destiny.

Imagine starting from 3W U, through the careful operation of two bull markets, you may eventually achieve a hundredfold increase in wealth and reach the goal of 100W. However, this is not easy. It requires us to have not only keen market insight, but also a firm mentality and self-control.

In the bull market, we often want to earn more because of greed, but lose the existing profits when the market pulls back. In the bear market, we often try to recover losses because of anxiety and unwillingness, but the result is that we get deeper and deeper. The real wisdom lies in being able to decisively lock in profits in the bull market, and stay calm and patiently wait for the next opportunity in the bear market.

Now, we are in a bear market. Can you stay calm and wait with empty positions? In fact, many people have made money in the bull market, even a lot of money, but few people can wait for the next bull market with peace of mind after the bull market ends.

In the bull market, we need to have enough courage to hold strong currencies and not be easily shaken by short-term market fluctuations. In a bear market, we need to have enough patience to wait for the market to recover. The cultivation of this kind of patience and courage often requires us to spend several years to slowly cultivate.

At the same time, we must also learn to break down the goals. If you want to earn 1,000W, you might as well start with small goals of earning 1 million or 5 million. This will not only allow us to focus more on the realization of each small goal, but also gradually accumulate confidence and experience in the process of continuously achieving small goals.

In the currency circle trading, new retail investors who want to conduct short-term trading can refer to the following five tricks:

Make quick decisions and enter and exit flexibly: The core of short-term trading is to respond quickly to market changes and avoid the risks brought by long-term positions.

Keep up with the news: Pay attention to market hot spots and news events, which are often excellent opportunities for short-term trading.

Strictly control risks: Set a clear stop loss point, and close the position immediately to control losses once the market trend does not meet expectations.

Prefer strong currencies: Choose currencies with strong market performance and upward trends for trading. Pay attention to market trading volume: Trading volume is an important indicator for judging market activity and trends, which is crucial for short-term trading.

It is a bull market right now, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day. If you don’t know what to do in a bull market, click on my avatar to find it. My fans are: #Megadrop #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH