Of course, I said that in the bull market, no matter what the situation is, there will always be some potential coins that go against the trend, because there are always projects.

Replay COS:

This coin, a project invested by Binance, has a very obvious rhythm. I saw it some time ago, bringing some core fans into the market. At that time, it was still a bit risky to know that it was bearish.

But the result is good.

Now the price has successfully broken through the first target of 0.020 and reached the indication point of 0.024.

Now it has rebounded rapidly after the retracement, but it faces the pressure level near 0.023.

Given that the current price is already at a high level, it is recommended to protect the principal loss for fans who have taken it on the whole network.

The operation is simple and clear, and it is easy to grasp the market rhythm.

So, for new fans, if the funds are more than 5000u, don’t have contracts; if you come to contracts and don’t understand the operation, it is better to follow me to arrange spot. The bull market is now the way to stable income!

Specifically, click on my avatar to follow, check out my profile, or other articles.

If you take the initiative to find me, I will not let my fans miss out! I will take you ashore, and you can win by lying down.

Free of charge, why free of charge, because the spot layout is easy and the operation is simple. By the way.

I need fans, you need references!

#BTC #ETH #COS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #w #sol