There is no commuting, no being late or leaving early, screw the 9am to 5pm work schedule, asking for leave, working overtime, looking at the boss's face, the unspoken rules in the market, the intrigue in the business world, all go to hell. How many days a month you work and how much money you make are all up to you. This is life.

What people pursue in their lives is nothing more than two words: "freedom".

Freedom is divided into five levels, of which the first three levels are material, and the last two levels are spiritual. Material freedom first requires personal freedom, which means freedom of the human body. The freedom of the human body has two meanings.

One is that they have too much money to spend, but they are in prison, such as the boss of Evergrande and the boss of Gome Electrical Appliances. They are not free and cannot spend their money.

The second is that they have too much money to spend, but they have become a vegetable or can only lie in bed every day. They have money but nowhere to spend it, so they can only spend it on medical expenses to maintain their lives.

The second freedom on the material level is time freedom. Just like some people who can live a high-quality life by investing and managing their finances, their time is completely controlled by themselves. This is completely different from office workers, who exchange time for money, or in other words, exchange life for money. Because human life is made up of time.

The third freedom on the material level is financial freedom.

If a person has personal freedom and time freedom, but lives on credit cards, this is not what you and I want. So financial freedom is the most important thing. Just like these people who make money through investment, if the money earned from investment can not only cover daily expenses, but also pay for some large expenses. If this cannot be achieved, then it is not financial freedom.

Therefore, a large number of so-called freelancers, including those who invest in stocks and virtual currencies, can achieve personal freedom and time freedom, but cannot achieve financial freedom.

There is another type of person who has both personal freedom and financial freedom, but not time freedom. They are like many business owners, who have more money than they can spend in this lifetime and have enough for the next life.

But they have to worry about the company all day long. In order for the company to run normally, they have to get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs. The bigger the company is and the more money it makes, the more cautious they are, for fear that one wrong step will lead to the ruin of their empire.

I hope that you and I can achieve the three freedoms as soon as possible through investment in the pursuit of life, and then move on to the two freedoms at a higher level of spiritual level. Because if we only stay at the three freedoms at the material level, life will fall into confusion and lose direction.

For example: There are many people who have been relocated, who have several houses and millions of cash in their hands. They don't go to work, but spend their days in the bright lights and women's nights, living a life of luxury and extravagance, and having women on their left and right. After a long time, this will become boring, and life will feel boring. After a long time, life will be like a zombie, and there will be no meaning in living.

What to do? I must find the lost self. Now I am still studying how to achieve the dream life through investment. After all, life is only once.

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