⭐️ Welcome back, #AlienWorlds explorers, to the third stage of the Alien Worlds Challenge! ⭐️

Under the guidance of the Onoros and their deep collective wisdom, new challenges await in unexplored areas. This week, our competition takes a strategic turn as the Onoros use their advanced exoskeletons to navigate and mine in environments previously considered too dangerous. These new areas are rich in Trilium, but filled with obstacles that only the bravest and most skilled miners can overcome. Prepare your equipment for the most challenging stage yet, where the rewards match the risks. ⚡️


The competition runs from 08:00:00 on April 27 to 07:59:59 on January 5, Beijing time.


🪐 Mine as much Trilium as possible within the competition time. Unlimited attempts are allowed.

🪐 Increase your total score by using /lastmine (Alien Helpers BOT) in our Discord and Telegram channels. Use the /lastminestats command to view the total score of the event!

【Score calculation】:

🚀 Score = number of TLM mined (decimal) + (100 * NFT_PWR)


⛏ If you mined 1.2572 TLM using 3x RD9000 Excavator tools on Rocky Desert, the score is 2572 + (100 * 0) = 2572

⛏ If you mined 0.1308 TLM using 3x Draxos Axe on Rocky Desert, the score is 1308 + (100 * 34.20) = 1308 + 3420 = 4728


The 4000 TLM in the reward pool will be distributed according to each participant's personal total score.

For more information about Alien Worlds, please visit ➡️ https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCN