April 26, 2024 Grandpa checks in

BN's Megadrop has already started. The task is actually very simple, which is to withdraw coins and pledge, which is an entry-level operation of DeFi. I think the purpose of BN doing this is to cultivate users' wallet and on-chain operation habits. BN's Web3 wallet processes the key in segments. BN controls one segment, and then the device and the user back up the same segment in the cloud. Together, it is equivalent to having a complete private key. Currently, it only supports mobile terminals, and the threshold for use is not high. This time, real money was used to let users complete the task. It can be seen that on-chain is a further trend in the future. I also asked my friends in the group to do the task.

OK has previously promoted a wave of wallets through inscriptions, which has attracted many on-chain users. I believe that with the continuous promotion of BN, more and more people will participate in on-chain interactions, which is also the basis for the continued activeness of the ecosystem. The previous wave of DeFi summer focused on the on-chain ecosystem, and the entire B circle also needs on-chain applications. After all, the architectural foundation of Ethereum as a supercomputer is to build Dapps, so BN's Megadrop has a profound educational effect on users. As for ourselves, we should also actively join the wave of decentralization.

There are actually quite a lot of activities recently, but OK's Jumpstart seems to have risk-controlled a batch of numbers. It has restricted Chinese people before, so it is even more criticized now. However, I think the reason why OK did this may be that the cake is not big enough. If it is fully opened to everyone, the quota will be very small, which is not attractive. But as everyone said, at least it is good to empower OKB. It is indeed a bit confusing. There are also some other on-chain activities, such as Restaking, etc. Those who are interested can go and have a look.

In terms of the market, it will continue to go sideways. Bitcoin will fluctuate at the 60,000 level. As long as this price is stable, it will continue to repair the market, and there is no need to worry about it later. It is suspected that Sun Ge is still buying ETH. Although the price of ETH has increased several times relative to the low point, the cost performance is still good. With ETH, you can stake it on the chain, and the yield is very high. Therefore, this position is a good choice for those who want to buy at the bottom. For others, just buy some within the range, and don't buy too much at one time, after all, the certainty is slightly worse.

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