According to Foresight News, the Uniswap Foundation will provide Auditless with a $1.2 million grant to support protocol innovation. Auditless will receive funding for at least one year and will build a team to achieve its goals. With this grant, Auditless will launch a protocol grant program aimed at creating value for all stakeholders by reducing execution costs and delays, improving the core user experience of the protocol, and exploring other opportunities.

In the future, Auditless will provide protocol peg funding for the launch of Uniswap v4 and will work closely with the funded team to launch these pegs. They will also explore opportunities for future protocol expansion and improvements, including token issuance, routing, and lending. In addition, Auditless will participate in business development, marketing, and coordinate with other grant managers at the Uniswap Foundation to develop plans to align with the launch of new protocols or support protocol infrastructure