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[Cardano founder reminds community of the true purpose of cryptocurrency] Cryptocurrency billionaire Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of Cardano, had an important message for his followers on the X platform. He reminded the crypto community that the real purpose of cryptocurrency is not to set the world on fire, but to ignite passion in people’s hearts. This quote is taken from the classic 1938 song "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" written by Bennie Benjamin, Eddie Durham, Sol Marcus and Eddie Seiler. At the same time, Vitalik Buterin, another founder of Ethereum, also shared similar views, emphasizing that cryptocurrencies go beyond simple digital asset transactions. Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto created this technology for freedom and decentralization. He mentioned that freedom and privacy are currently under threat and cryptocurrency is not just about transactions, it is also a movement to protect personal freedom and privacy and return power to ordinary people. #鴉快訊 $ADA $ETH @Cardano_CF

[Cardano founder reminds community of the true purpose of cryptocurrency]

Cryptocurrency billionaire Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of Cardano, had an important message for his followers on the X platform. He reminded the crypto community that the real purpose of cryptocurrency is not to set the world on fire, but to ignite passion in people’s hearts. This quote is taken from the classic 1938 song "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" written by Bennie Benjamin, Eddie Durham, Sol Marcus and Eddie Seiler.

At the same time, Vitalik Buterin, another founder of Ethereum, also shared similar views, emphasizing that cryptocurrencies go beyond simple digital asset transactions. Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto created this technology for freedom and decentralization. He mentioned that freedom and privacy are currently under threat and cryptocurrency is not just about transactions, it is also a movement to protect personal freedom and privacy and return power to ordinary people.

#鴉快訊 $ADA $ETH @Cardano Foundation

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【Hedera 的鑽石代幣化開啟了投資新時代】 現在,投資人可透過先進技術購買鑽石,這類長久以來被視為財富和安全象徵的寶石需求通常需要特定技能和資金。儘管鑽石交易徑路昂貴且複雜,標準化鑽石的全球市場價值約 1.2 兆美元,但目前只佔市場約 1%。 Diamond Standard 藉由標準化和代幣化鑽石,開闢了讓更多人能夠投資鑽石的新途徑。該公司從全球供應商網路採購鑽石,並利用 AI 與機器學習技術進行分級,由國際寶石學會(IGI)認證。 鑽石被安全地存放在防篡改的容器中,稱為 Diamond Standard Coins 和 Bars,每個容器內裝有等值鑽石,確保均勻性和可替代性。容器內含有一個「商品代幣」電腦晶片,使其成為實體和虛擬產業的橋梁,透過 Hedera 的 Token Service(HTS)在區塊鏈上代表鑽石。 這種創新的代幣化方法允許投資人在數位資產平台上輕鬆交易這些代幣,無需實際持有鑽石。此外,Hedera Consensus Service(HCS)確保所有與 Diamond Commodity Tokens 相關的交易透明且不可變,提供額外的安全性和可靠性。 Diamond Standard 的這一策略與其對環境、社會和治理(ESG)的承諾相符,反映了 Hedera 致力於經營碳中和業務模式的承諾。未來,Diamond Standard 推出的 Bitcarbon 代幣,代表其真實 Coin 和 Bar 的部分所有權,為穩定幣提供真實且持久的資產支持,使投資更精確、多元化。 在遵守百慕達數位資產業務法和勤業眾信年度檢查的條件下,Diamond Standard 不斷探索讓投資人更直接與鑽石的獨特品質互動的新方法,旨在創造一個簡單、透明的投資通道,增加對這種傳統資產類別的需求。 #鴉快訊
【Ran Neuner 表示,EigenLayer 是典型的創投騙局】 加密社群重要人物 Ran Neuner 對 EigenLayer 抱持懷疑,質疑其可能是典型的風險投資騙局。Neuner 點出數個警告信號,包括風險投資人在早期低估值階段的參與及其對零售投資人較高的初始市值估計。 他亦表達了對內部人和風險投資人在代幣分配中獲得優惠的擔憂,以及對在區塊鏈技術可能帶來益處的地區限制代幣空投,和代幣鎖定期對零售投資人帶來不成比例影響的關注。 EigenLayer 最近發布其白皮書,公開 EIGEN 代幣的規劃,激發了加密生態系的關注。白皮書中提及 EIGEN 代幣將作為生態系的核心元素,涵蓋多種使用案例。 計劃推出總量 17 億的代幣,分配至抵押空投、社群計劃、生態系發展及投資人。值得注意的是,早期貢獻者將獲得顯著市佔率,且需遵守三年的強制鎖定期。 Ran Neuner 的觀點引發了加密社群內的熱烈討論。有些人對 EigenLayer 的代幣分配模型及其對零售投資人潛在影響表示擔憂,批評其可能對內部人和早期貢獻者不公平地給予優待。 然而,EigenLayer 的支持者則突出其創新性和風險投資人的信譽,認為對該項目的批評可能過於倉促或誇大。總體上,圍繞 EigenLayer 的爭論凸顯了加密生態系中的透明度、公平性和信任等廣泛問題,強調了進行深入的盡職調查的重要性。 #鴉快訊 #EigenLayer

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