I would like to share some personal opinions with you for reference only!

First, it is difficult for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in the near future. The market trend is also reaching its peak, and the US stock market has also entered a correction period.

Second, the previous 73,000 liquidation was an expected operation. The current market is in line with expectations. Now it can only be a band, and the pattern is not suitable.

Third, the next opportunity in the currency circle will be after the correction. Interest rate cuts are inevitable and require a time period. The current independent market of the big cake has gone too far and is appropriately corrected. The cottage also makes a weekly line that breaks through and steps back. This is a very good thing. Do you dare to buy when the step is in place? Whether to buy or not is what we need to consider. The current overall economic environment is not enough for the big cake to stand firmly in the top 5 of the global market value, but the peak market value should be reached.

Fourth, in other words, after the correction, it is not a big problem for us to buy boldly. First, there is support from the price of miners, and second, there is support from the market value of ETFs. Third, there is an expected market for interest rate cuts in the future. The most stable operation is to invest large funds or find a position to directly pull half of the position, and then the operation of small coins needs to be based on the market. #加息 #降息预测 #抄底