Is the cryptocurrency industry still suitable for newcomers to make a comeback?

I know a buddy who entered the cryptocurrency circle 23 years ago. Before he entered the circle, his family was a big grain collector and drove a 7 Series. When he first entered the cryptocurrency circle, he started with 10,000u to do contracts. Maybe he was lucky. He made 3,500 points in ultra-short-term pie and ran away. He kept doing this for a month. 1wu became 4.5wu. After that, he felt like a chosen one. It was not as fast as speculating in cryptocurrencies as collecting grain. He continued to add 10wu to continue ultra-short-term trading. But everyone knows that ultra-short-term trading often requires thousands of points of risk to make a profit of a few hundred points. People can rely on luck, but they can't always have luck. Once he bet on pie, he started to lose money and thought he could get it back soon, but God seemed to play a joke on him. After adding margin 7 times, he was still like a building about to collapse and defeated like a mountain. The dog dealer's gun was still aimed at him fiercely. In two hours, all 10wu became 0

Some people say that it's OK to stop when I make 4.5wu, but what I want to say is that human desires are endless. When you make 4.5wu, you can't control your heart at all I will continue to strive for higher goals and will not think of stopping.

Some people ask, then why don’t I just follow a teacher? Yes, but there are many big Vs in the market who have lost all their money. There are only a few who are truly capable. You need to open your eyes to distinguish them. Many of them are just selling dog meat under the guise of sheep. You want him to lead you to make money, but in fact he takes you back and forth and doesn’t care about your life or death. Choose the right opportunity to change your destiny, and the times make heroes! ​ I wish you can find a mentor soon!

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