- Altcoin is the general name for types of cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin.

- DCA (Dollar- Cost Averaging) roughly translated: price averaging is an investment strategy by dividing the amount of capital to invest over a fixed period of time, instead of investing a large amount of money at one time - like CHN Coin/Thuan Capital doing. You can see that brothers often use it like this: they bought at a high price, now the price goes down, so they buy a little more to get DCA.

- ATH (All Time high): Highest price of all time

- ATL (All Time Low): all-time low

- Halving: reduced by half

- FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is the fear of missing out

- JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) enjoy the joy of missing out

- FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) fear, uncertainty and doubt

- AMA (Ask Me Anything) ask me anything

- Bull market and bear market

Bull market or bullish refers to a market that is on an upward trend. Conversely, a market that is in a downward trend is called a bear market or bearish. It is very easy for investors to make profits in a rising market and very easy to lose in a falling market.

- Burn: burn, refers to an amount of coin or token being permanently removed from the supply to reduce inflation, ensuring value for cryptocurrency holders.

- Buy The Dip: Buying the dip is a term that refers to buying an asset after the market has had a sharp decline.

- Do Your Own Research (DYOR) means to research and learn by yourself. It could be finding information about a project, researching whether to invest in that project or not.

* **The above content I collected on the internet and rearranged it for easy understanding, is not the content I created.

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