The current market atmosphere is very similar to last week... $BTC $ETH It is relatively short-sold by most people, and the copycat sector is obviously being chased and rotated by traders... Is it possible that a similar market situation will be staged from 4/16 to 18? 👀

🪙 The capital aspect shows that traders are operating conservatively, and the red column of the capital scarcity index CSI continues to shorten. Similar to the previous period, if there is more bad news, the market may be in a purple circle, otherwise it will be more likely to be in the blue circle at the end of January and early February. Quotes.

📊 #BTC Squeeze kinetic energy data shows that the market is in the stage of releasing short kinetic energy, and the red column has begun to shorten, indicating that the short side's kinetic energy is weakening.

$HIGH #LSK #ATA is a bullish target in several markets, so pay special attention!
