Now the market's focus has begun to move towards the Hong Kong ETF event next week.

So for this positive news, can it really drive the Hong Kong sector up?

As early as the beginning of March, many of us were speculating on the Hong Kong Carnival in April and were very optimistic about CFX and ACH. However, around the end of the month, CFX began to stagnate, and then began to follow the waterfall of CNY and ACH. Even after CNY broke through 65,000, CFX accelerated its decline. At that time, because of the positive news in April, many people chased to the top of the mountain to get some fresh air, and they all thought that it would explode and break the previous high! As a result, some new friends who entered the circle could not get out. Of course, we started to enter CFX in early February. As April approached, we considered that too many people were speculating and we came out early. Although we did not sell at the highest point, the income was not very bad. This past CFX post has been there and can be checked! Now looking back, it has fallen by more than 30% like other small Bi. In fact, when the news is about to come, the market is more hyped in the early stage, just like this round of Hong Kong ETFs. If more people continue to be optimistic about the rise in the later stage, will there be a few potential Bis worth paying attention to in the Hong Kong sector? At least it should be a gamble to ambush a small Cang! In addition, every post in the past is there, whether it is fresh and has been trapped, or it is currently profitable, it is all open! Where is it worth ambush, everyone can express their opinions in the comment area! Please speak civilized! #CFX. #Meme币你看好哪一个? #大盘走势 #BTC