Analysis and sharing of ETH market trends in the early morning of April 25

Ether has been in a state of dark rise since the halving of BTC. Although the trend is not big, it has always been in an upward direction. After a wave of highs in the morning yesterday to around 3293, the next waterfall hit the coin price below 3200 again. The current coin price is around 3180. This callback has not yet been in place, and the purpose of the banker to pull the bulls has not been achieved. Therefore, there is a high probability that there will be a wave of callbacks in the near future and then re-enter the bull market. Therefore, the subsequent market is still dominated by longs. In order to start steadily, it is recommended to do more callbacks. Real-time guidance: btc0931 #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

ETH operation suggestion: long positions around 3150-3100, target 3240-3290, risk control: 3050

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