Presumably, the decline in the market during this period has numbed the mentality of the majority of retail partners. The small correction of the big cake Ethereum directly brought down the cottage, which in turn caused a lot of questions. Does the cottage still have a chance? Will the cottage still have a better performance in this round?

As usual, first give you the answer. There is no doubt that the cottage will explode next. In this fourth round of bull market, the cottage is also destined to be an indispensable role in the bull market.

In this case, what is the reason for the current situation of the cottage half-dead? Many people will have questions, why did the big cake fall slightly and the cottage collapsed? Next, I will give you a brief analysis.

First, from the rhythm of the bull market, the current bull market rhythm is just an appetizer, and it is in the process of recovering lost ground. In other words, the price of the big cake has just entered the upward channel from the bottom, and the hidden dangers in the previous round of bear market have been completely eliminated. Please note that this does not mean that the big bull market has started. This is just the first rhythm point in the overall market.

Second, from the perspective of the fluctuation of the currency price, when we magnify the price, what we see is the phenomenon of halving in a round of falling market. For most altcoins, this halving has almost been completed. But in fact, this action is often a relatively normal retracement in the currency circle, and the normal here refers to the extreme market in a round of retracement. In other words, the altcoin has actually bottomed out once, and the decline is just the second bottoming out.

Third, from the perspective of the liquidity of funds, to understand this concept, we must first understand the nature of the bull market, which is actually built on bubbles. This is relatively profound. I try to describe it in a simple and easy-to-understand way. After the overall entry of this round of incremental funds, we found a situation that most of the main hot money flowed into the Bitcoin ETF market. The lock-up effect of funds is very strong. This step directly limits the funds from being leveraged again. The leverage mentioned here does not simply refer to the amplification of the fund multiples, but more to the feedback to the ecology after flowing into the major ecosystems. This is also an important manifestation of leverage.

In conclusion, the Shanzhai market has actually shown a relatively good performance since October. Here, we cannot conclude that it is difficult for Shanzhai to have a big market in the future just because of a simple deep correction.