There are two strategies in a bull market

The first one: All assets are heavily invested in certain sectors. What you need to do is to wait for the bull market to come. The advantage is that the operation is simple, so it is suitable for most people and those who are busy with daily work.

The disadvantage is: you need to hold on. Holding on is a test of human nature. Especially when you see coins that are getting rich everywhere, but your own is standing still.

I recommend 2 to 4 specific sectors. If you want one, it is also okay, but it requires a test of personal vision. Too many is more risky and not recommended.

The second one: part of the position is lurking, and part of the position is added when the sector is hyped. The advantage is that you can advance or retreat, which is more flexible, but the disadvantage is that you need to be more sensitive to the market, spend more experience, and always focus on the market.

I personally recommend the second one, which is safer!

Bitcoin is similar to yesterday, with a weak and volatile trend. It is estimated that it will test and verify the bottom support level in the short term, but don't worry too much. The short-term adjustment of the market does not affect market confidence. In the past two days, meme has started a new round of market trends, so trading according to market sentiment will not be a big problem.

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