The market is swaying and finally stands on the important support of 66600 US dollars. However, the daily line has been up for seven consecutive days, and there is a possibility of a correction at any time. Although the trading volume is a bit sluggish, the meme rebound on Solona has been quite good in the past week. The leeks that were buried deep in the copycats in the previous period were seriously injured, but they have recovered a lot this week. As long as you are still a deserter in this market, there is still a possibility of a comeback.

Yesterday I sorted out ten ways to play web3 for you. You might think I only focus on blockchain, but I am also familiar with traditional entities. After all, Zhou Wenqiang is my senior, but I rarely talk about financial intelligence in my diary.

If you don't want to work at the age of 40, what can you do? I have summarized the traditional bucket-carrying industries with the lowest threshold and the easiest to get started for ordinary people. Anyway, I will not touch any of these ten roads. In my opinion, they are all dead ends, but in the eyes of many ordinary people, they are life-saving straws.

1. Driving Didi, just having a car is enough. (It is easy to cause prostate hypertrophy and lumbar disc herniation)

2. For food delivery, an electric bike is enough. (Easily hit by cars, exposed to wind, rain and sun)

3. To open an agency, you only need two legs. (If the base salary is not enough to eat, be prepared to be a grandson at any time)

4. Do housework. Just be able to do housework. (Require yourself to be hardworking and willing to work hard)

5. To set up a street stall, you just need to be able to shout. (You need to be thick-skinned and have both wits and courage)

6. To sell breakfast, you just need to be able to get up in the middle of the night. (Can you get up? Can you hold on?)

7. To open a supermarket, you just need to know how to do the accounting. (Do you have the capital?)

8. Open a tutoring class, as long as you can fool people. (Can you find students?)

9. As a designated driver, you can stay up late. (Be prepared to stay up late)

10. Start your own business, and don’t be afraid of losing money. (It’s easy to lose everything and get into debt)

11. Embrace AI intelligent quantification and become a robot software financial broker (work hard for half a year and challenge to earn 100,000+ cash flow per month) to achieve easy win

The eleventh is advertising, which is also the unconventional path I chose. I have been playing quantitative for three years, and I have indeed tasted the sweetness of a continuous income pipeline that saves worry and effort and can double. Now the heat is on AI artificial intelligence and meme, so I am rooted in Ai + robot trading. No one will object that this is not the general trend. Some people don’t understand my understanding, just like ten years ago when I chose mining, many people thought I was crazy. Time has proved that the future of this world is led by crazy people! Musk is not crazy? Or Jack Ma is not crazy? Or Chen Anzhi is not crazy? Or Zhou Wenqiang is not crazy? Or Zuckerberg is not crazy for investing heavily in the metaverse?

There is a saying in the leeks world: value investing is nothing, all in memes live in palaces. No wonder I have never lived in a palace, if I don't go to hell, who will? The palace is for you to live in. I would rather sleep in a tent on the beach in Pattaya like the Russians, than compete with you for the reinforced concrete in China. I don't care about the gold border on the wall, I only care about whether there is a beautiful woman next to me. But I know that beautiful women are very picky, they just want big villas and big yachts. So I always have trouble sleeping alone. I use the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed, and I can lie down wherever I go.

Changpeng was sentenced to 3 years in prison, and Yijie has to stay alone in an empty house to raise a baby. Changpeng once cut me more than 40,000 US dollars in a single contract, and today he was fined billions of US dollars by the United States. When will the revenge end? I just hope that Binance does not have a huge financial hole. After all, the life and property of 200 million leeks in the world are in He Yi's hands. If Sun Ge married Yijie now, he would be the biggest winner. Even if the SEC starts to mess with him now, I believe that Sun Wukong can find a way to deal with the huge energy of money. In fact, everything in the end is paid by us, the retail investors who eat melons, after all, all crows are black.

Now is like the silence before the storm. On April 30, a licensed institution in Hong Kong will open spot ETF trading for Bitcoin and Ethereum, so I don’t know if there will be any big changes in the market next month. Anyway, I have already made arrangements in advance, one step ahead of others, and I am ahead all the way. When the enemy comes, the general will stop it, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it. The speed of getting on and off the car will be so fast that even professional dog dealers can’t see my mysterious boxing trading techniques.

The US tech stocks have collapsed, the gold market has collapsed, the housing market has collapsed, many places are facing debt crises, and investment channels have narrowed. Where will the money go? There is no doubt that the funds are smart and will only go to two places. The first is a place with credibility, and the second is a place with high returns. Web3 fully meets these two points, and we just need to wait for the currency to rise. Of course, if you want to copycat, you can only configure a small position. After all, you learn a lesson from your mistakes. If that thing falls, even its own father will not recognize it. When the waterfall sweeps and wields the sickle, no grass will grow.

Therefore, in the second half of the bull market after the halving in 2024, I have boarded the long-lasting AI quantitative robot aircraft carrier. Although it is not the Noah's Ark in the currency circle, it is a piece of cake to carry the leeks and ride the wind and waves, not to mention my dragon-catching technique to avoid risk and control. Don't be anxious, don't be greedy, don't be afraid, don't be confused, these are the eight-character mottos that the team leader gives to you...