KILT protocol for participation in the virtual meeting on April 25

KILT Protocol representative Ingo Rübe is scheduled to attend the CoinGecko virtual meeting on April 25th. The discussion will revolve around Polkadot.

Refer to the official KILT tweet

KILT is an open-source blockchain protocol designed to issue claims-based credentials in Web 3.0 with the goal of restoring individual privacy and developing innovative identity-centric business models. Built on Parity Substrate and launched as the Kusama parachain in September 2021, the platform ensures data privacy by allowing users to represent their digital identity without unnecessary disclosure. KILT integrates with Kusama, Polkadot, and sectors such as gaming, NFTs, DeFi, DEX, energy, healthcare, and banking. In November 2021, it became a fully decentralized parachain.

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