Instructions on how to Stake $BNB and $FDUSD to receive RENZO tokens - The project is being Launchpool on Binance for the 53rd time

Stake time: 6 days from 7:00 a.m. April 24, 2024

Step 1. Register an account to get 20% discount on education fees

Step 2. Verify account identity (KYC)

Step 3. Buy BNB or FDUSD P2P

Step 4. Go to and stake the $BNB and $FDUSD  that you just bought

Note: currently the price of $BNB is quite high, so everyone can choose the FDUSD pool to Farm

Step 5. The $REZ reward will be paid hourly -> Just go to the Link in step 4 to Claim $REZ

The more you stake and the sooner you join, the more $REZ you get

You can completely unstake at any time by clicking "Withdraw". It is possible to unstake part or all of the tokens being staked.

Detailed analysis of the $REZ project, you can refer to đây

#BinanceLaunchPool🔥  #RENZO