【Market Research Report on April 24th——ETH high and low point changes, low point rises, short-term strong bullish trend becomes more obvious, BTC key position is obtained again this time, platform consolidation moves up, has the market warmed up? 】


Market Research Report Outline:

1. BTC has played a key support at the previous high support and resistance exchange position of 6.55 many times, and this position is used as a strength and weakness judgment during the day. Although the consolidation platform moves up, the change range remains unchanged.

2. ETH continues to be stronger, with a short-term bullish trend, but it has not walked out of the box. Yesterday, shorting around the box and rebounding at the 1h level are effective

1. BTC

The main point of view in the past few days: no volume, no trend, you can do it directly when the position is reached. Yesterday, combined with the real market, I talked about the techniques of intervening in long and short positions at three positions, all of which are profitable. The most important thing is to learn the techniques.

Whether it is 6.75 multi-dimensional resonance, you can do it at the current price, or step back to the 1H level support [the key position of the previous day is 6.55] or pull back. Yesterday's market was very respectful. Three techniques were given in real market. This is the best time to review and learn.

But starting from today, we should pay attention to the pin day.

Short-term view: The range of 6.75-7 is still a changing market. [Only when you know the changing market, we will play with the bulls if it is strong and with the bears if it is weak]

Large cycle: Spot 6W 5.9, these two places have been added positions twice since March. Don't say you don't have any positions. If you really don't have any, then continue to hide. [These two positions, whether it is big or cottage, have opportunities for daily level positions. Those with heavy positions can reduce their positions, or follow big at any time. No one likes the small stop loss area]

Support 6.55 6.45 6.32 Pressure 6.75 7 7.1

Second, ETH

The position of the Ethereum spot will not be repeated in the short term. I have said it many times when it fell back.

Do what you should do, make up for it when it arrives, and make up for the following positions as well

The box has not yet been moved out, but the short-term highs and lows tell us that it is oscillating upward, which is not a big problem. If you want to eat the box or trend orders, you must support and pressure it. The position is reduced and released, and you can eat it. The second replenishment depends on the market, not on passion

[Yesterday's support and pressure are effective, especially if you are in a bad position, and you are on the way. I said before going to bed that you should take more bags and take more bags]

Pressure: 3450 3545 3620

Support: 3120 3050

Third, copycat

Those with good chips and small positions can just hold on and cover their positions

Those chasing and with large positions can make more profits

The diligent wave increases the currency standard, while the lazy people only need to share the average price

The number of coins determines how much you earn

It is not about winning today and successfully laying out tomorrow