The latest analysis of Little Witch, Bitcoin market trend analysis:

1. Technical analysis of Bitcoin, Ethereum shows a downward trend. Be prepared for shorting.

2. Hope to rebound at 66,300, pull up to 68,000, and then open short at 68,300. If it reaches the range, be short. Stop profit first look at 64,000 and 64,300.

3. What is more important is whether this wave of rebound can reach 68,000, and the range of 68,300 will fall in advance. You can arrange shorting with a light position in advance at 66,300. The target is 64,000 and 64,300. Whether it can reach 56,000 and 56,300 depends on whether the volume can give it.

4. Ethereum refers to the trend of Bitcoin and keeps up with the transaction in time.

If you short in advance, you must set a stop loss at 66,000.

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