April 23, 2024 Grandpa checks in

Recently, Sun has been buying Ethereum like crazy. According to the data on the chain, he has bought hundreds of millions of dollars of Ethereum in the recent bottom-fishing. Although we all say that Sun's coins should not be bought, and only a few people really make money from so many projects, and the hot projects launched later are basically aborted, but Sun's top-escaping and bottom-fishing operations are still worth learning from. It can be said that the recent Ethereum did not break down with the altcoins during the decline of the market, perhaps Sun has contributed a little, and Sun also took a lot of Ethereum to play restaking projects, which is still very attractive.

For long-term holders, I suggest that you use the Ethereum you have and try staking to earn interest. The recent Merlin cross-chain has also had a high annualized return, and the restaking project takes Ethereum's POS mechanism to the extreme. In addition to enjoying the annual inflation of 3-5 points, there are also rewards from the project party, and the annualized rate can reach 100%. Recently, I have also put some funds into projects such as Puff. Projects like these that involve large funds are more volatile, but they are safe enough.

In terms of market conditions, the rebound of Bitcoin has slowed down a bit. Despite this, strong stocks can still be held and wait for an increase. After a deep wash of a sharp drop, it will not fall back easily. On the contrary, if Bitcoin can really fall below 60,000 again, we should stop losses and be alert to the turn of the market. At present, the trend of the entire market remains strong. Many people may be trapped by the cottage. To be honest, before Bitcoin is available, it is difficult for cottages to reach new highs. My suggestion is to find a rebound opportunity to sell some first, and you can partially reduce your position, so that if Bitcoin reaches a new high, you will not lose money if you sell part of it.

In the short-term market, Bitcoin has seen its first daily negative line since this wave of rebound. Normally, there will be a small retracement in the short term, so those who entered at a low position can sell some first and then place an order to take it back, without worrying about selling out. Although there has been a rebound in the short term, in my opinion, it is difficult to see a large increase in the near future, not to mention Bitcoin’s immediate new high, so this range can still be played with the band, and I judge that the next market will be a mentally testing market, conservatively estimated to last for 1 month.

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