Rune Hundreds of Schools Are Singing Together, Sol Chain Meme Returns Strongly

Despite the decline of US stocks, the crypto market is not affected, the market is recovering, and the price is slowly recovering and improving.

The cottage industry has risen by 5%, and the exchange rate of ETH and BTC has fallen below 0.05 for 5 consecutive days. The gas on BTC remains high, while the gas on ETH has been in the single digit for a long time. It seems that no one is playing ETH at present.

1. Rune Section

The price correction of the rune snapshot is about to end. Those who chased the rise in the past are almost buried. It is not clear who is the first dragon yet. The gas is also very high. It is not recommended to buy new stocks now.

The overseas community is more fomo. The hot money has been on runes in the past few days, but there has been a correction today. For runes, I value more liquid cross-chain targets, such as dotswap and mubi.

The market heat of RUNES is gradually receding, and the market is showing obvious differentiation. Some investors make money, while others face the return of tokens to zero. The miners should be the ones who make the most money in this wave.

2. Meme Section

Pepe's daily increase is 15%. The sloth NFT on Sol is about to start. Sol chain meme is hot again. In the past two days, several memes have risen sharply, such as the lucky cat maneki. This wave has brought the market focus back to the Solana ecosystem.

Solana Ecosystem Meme Project has refunded more than one million US dollars to SLERF pre-sellers.

III. Binance Activities

1. BN launched megadrop, combined with Luma and launchpool, you can deposit BNB to get some shares, or complete daily tasks, such as completing questionnaires to get points.

2. Deposit sol, bnb regularly or pledge eth from April 16 to April 29, you can share $75,000 airdrop, 120 days to get AXL airdrop rewards, BTC airdrop rewards, etc.

Buying BNB can achieve a three-way game.

IV. Others

1. Merlin Ecosystem is relatively lagging, and Chinese projects cannot be developed.

2. The issuance date of Notcoin token (NOT) in TON Ecosystem has been postponed to the end of April.

In this round of bull market, no one takes each other's orders, because everyone sells the airdrops directly, and no one takes the pledge.


1. Go where the hot money is.

2. The key to trading altcoins is to be fast. The essence of playing altcoins is to lick blood on the edge of a knife.

3. Respect market sentiment, which determines everything.

If you are confused at the moment, don't know what coin to buy, and don't understand the market, you must choose carefully. You are also welcome to join the village and follow us #WIF #ENA #BOME $DOGE $SOL