What is the most important thing in a person's life?

1. One hundred or eighty yuan can buy you a day.

2. It's just a part-time job, there's no need to be too honest.

3. Making friends with colleagues at work is like picking up candy in a garbage dump. If you pick it up, it's luck, and if you pick up shit, it's nothing surprising.

4. Young girls who have just entered the workplace must stay away from married men in the workplace.

5. Colleagues are always colleagues, don't invest too much emotion.

6. Colleagues are more about interests. On the surface, they are open-hearted, but intrigue behind the scenes.

7. There is a kind of person: to his superiors, he is a dog; to his subordinates, he is a wolf; to his colleagues, he is a ghost. This kind of person is called high emotional intelligence.

8. A good heart is never as good as a good mouth. Those who can do are not as good as those who can speak, and those who can speak are not as good as those who can pretend.

9. Most people can't make money at work.

10. When studying: study for the rise of China. When you graduate: 3,000 is 3,000.

11. Making money and studying are two different logics.

12. Being wronged and scolded are all part of the job.

13. Don’t talk about salary with your colleagues. Once the balance is broken, it’s probably either you or he will resign.

14. Friends and colleagues around you keep flattering you and saying you’ve done a great job. Just treat them as farts.

15. Don’t let too many people in the company know that you are proficient in using the three-piece office suite. You should understand that many people only know how to fill in numbers when making a form.

16. The busiest person in the company is the one with the lowest salary.

17. When necessary, learn to be bad.

18. Believe me, the people you think are very good at the beginning are not good people.

19. The stronger your ability, the more work you have. The boss will find you when he has something to do, and you are also the one with the worst relationship with the boss.

20. If a person is very good but average, it is probably because he has good character.

21. When you leave, take the initiative to quit the work group as soon as possible. Don't wait to be kicked out, that would be really embarrassing.

22. There are no friends at work. Colleagues can never become friends. Talk less and work more.

23. I have just worked for less than half a year. The secret of the system: more work means more mistakes, less work means fewer mistakes, and no work means no mistakes.

24. Never believe in such nonsense as "the company has decided to train you well" and "I am doing this for your own good".If they really treat you well, they should raise your salary immediately.

25. You must brag during an interview.

26. You can't just look down and see the road. You have to know how to deal with things.

27. When the leader paints a rosy picture for you, just listen to it. Don't take it seriously, let alone question or expose it.

28. Don't let others think you are living a good life. Cry more about poverty and misery.

29. Your ability determines your lower limit, and the closeness of your relationship with the leader determines your upper limit.

30. The person who sent you pornographic books is now telling you that you can just lie down and mess up in the workplace.

31. It's easy to eliminate a competitor with just a few words.

32. The boss starts to check attendance every other day, run away! Because the company is going to go bankrupt, don't waste time with the company because of unpaid wages and other reasons, you can't afford it.

33. Your boss didn't ask you to do this job, no matter which old employee calls you, you don't have to answer, just say you don't have time. You must learn to refuse. Once you agree, he will keep calling you. Secondly, if you are busy with his work, your boss will suddenly call you, and you will be busy.

34. Learn to refuse and be selfish, otherwise you will have endless things to do, and the results will still belong to others.

35. What makes you most tired is often not the work itself, but the people you meet at work. You get one salary, do the work of two people, and have to listen to the orders of three idiots.

36. Colleagues are always colleagues. Everyone has their own little tricks in their hearts. Once they touch their interests, they will turn their faces and ignore you.

37. Keep a sense of boundaries with colleagues. Always remember that you are here to make money, not to make friends.

38. In life, 90% of the pain comes from going to work, but if you don’t go to work, 100% of the pain will come from having no money.

39. There are no friends at work. Colleagues will never become friends. Talk less and work more.

40. It’s tiring to go to work, but you have to go; it’s hard to make money, but you can’t not make it. In the adult world, be less pretentious and more down-to-earth. You can choose not to do things you don't like, but you must do what you should do.