Friends, DO NOT BE FOOLED by graphic drawings!

In this article, I would like to share my thoughts about graphic interpretation. Of course, increases and decreases in the crypto exchange may vary depending on the graphics. But it would only be a delusion to think that one can put forward an idea like the normal world stock market. Since the crypto exchange has a decentralized market, it makes absolutely no sense (in my opinion) to invest by interpreting charts.

  • For example, instead of drawing lines on the charts, I recommend that you examine sharp increases and sharp decreases. Follow why there was a sharp rise and why there was a sharp decline on these dates by looking at the crypto news of that day. For example; A coin increased by 70% on April 20, 2024. According to your research and the news you read, if this increase is just empty news, you should stay away from that coin. Because such projects generally rise due to herd psychology, and then that share remains in your hands and experiences a serious decline.

  • In another case, if A coin has increased significantly on this date and when you investigate the reason for this, it has shown an increase that can underline the increase such as "A solid sponsor", "Project agreement", "A new project", "Integration into real life", this increase may continue. or it means a coin that you can buy on a decline.

Let's talk about why I don't trust the chart commentators' lines. As you know, people who trade high are called "Whales". Let's take a project before us. You read a comment saying "If such and such a coin exceeds $2.5, there will be a serious increase." Suppose it breaks this limit and begins to rise. However, 30% of the share of this project is in the hands of a whale. While you think that it will rise because it exceeds $2.5, if this person sells even 80% of his share, the chart may turn upside down and you face a serious decline. In this case, it's happening to you. While those who trade heavily make serious profits, small investors are crushed under this situation.

One of the greatest examples of the realized past is the LUNA reality. I think there is no one who can give an example regarding which chart commentator looked at LUNA's chart and predicted and stated that there would be a drop from $ 120 to $ 0.0001. On the contrary, I witnessed that everyone who commented on the chart caused losses to people by recommending that LUNA would rise to $ 120 again, especially when it was initially hovering between $ 4-20.

You may say that the comments of some chart commentators are correct. But remember, the more people invest in the comments made by people with a lot of followers, the more accurate the results will be. For example, you may think that a person with 1 million followers attracted even 100 thousand investors to this project, taking into account the comments. Even if 100 thousand investors invest $100 each; This means $10 million inflow to that project. In this case, it is quite normal for that coin to increase. Otherwise, you can predict that it will decrease and imagine the money outflow at the same rate. This will cause a decline.

For this reason, friends, be your own person and decide based on your own research, not on people's opinions. No one cares about you more than you and wants you to win, you can be sure of that. Because someone will lose so that someone can win. There are many people trying to make you the loser and themselves the winner.

For example, the three projects I trust the most because they research their projects and especially try to integrate themselves into real life are;

  1. #FET

  2. #PENDLE

  3. #OM

I express this in almost every article I write.

I am not someone who invests a lot of money. According to my own situation, I buy and sell with money I have saved aside that I do not need or have no urgency with. My goal is not to gain followers, to make 1 to 100, to become famous or to be the only winner. Since I see a lot of people lacking knowledge, I share articles as much as I can (WITH THE LIMIT OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE) so that everyone can be informed. I hope I am touching someone's life somewhere.

Since I am a religious person, I have already stated that I will stay away from Futures and Staking programs. Because I was starting to experience some contradictions with the idea of ​​interest. Everyone has their own beliefs, thoughts and attitudes, friends. With my endless Respect and Love to everyone. I am happy if you took the time to read it and if it was even a little bit helpful to you. 😊

Good luck to everyone, happy days, friends. Stay well 👋

