$CKB Latest development of the ecosystem👀👀👀

1. FT tokens, there are more valuable projects in the ecosystem that have raised funds, and they are issuing tokens on RGB++, not hyping Meme and Clown

2. Trying to bind Rune assets to the CKB chain through isomorphism

3. Next week, the release of Neuromonkey will follow the NFT route, and there will be chain game projects to issue digital objects DOB in the future, following the AW narrative

🌞🌞4. JoyID wallet integrates the Lightning Network, which may arrive in advance Around August

💵💵5. Uncertain: Stablecoins are looking for companies with payment licenses to issue stablecoins on CKB, and WBTC on the CKB network is being issued. We are trying to cooperate with Matrixport

👆👆👆Follow me #链狱 to learn about the latest developments of the Chinese public chain

#CKB下跌就是机会 #CKB💰智能多空策略 #CKB.智能策略库🥇🥇

@归零膏手 @凯瑟琳_投资日记 @Corn2023