No matter how much you earn in the cryptocurrency world, if you cannot cash it out safely and land smoothly, sooner or later your bank card will be frozen by the judiciary and you will be imprisoned.

This is a professional article that explains how to cash in U. Don’t believe the “experts” on the Internet who teach you how to filter funds, okay?

Tianji is really afraid that your uncle will press your head one morning.

If you are not pursuing absolute safety in selling U, then you don’t need to read this article. Just continue to sell U in the same way as before. I don’t want to argue with you!

No more nonsense, here's the real stuff

There are probably several channels for selling U:

1. Go to the exchange to find a currency trader

2. Wild Exchange

3. OTC Trading

4. eBiPay and ULinx

5. U card

6. Offline transactions

7. Be familiar with and trust currency traders

Okay, let’s go through them one by one, starting with exchanges looking for currency traders.

Going to an exchange to sell U is the choice of most newbies. One reason is that there is a platform guarantee and there is no chance of being cheated. The other is user behavior habits.

I had been involved in cryptocurrency trading for a while. I was a newcomer at that time. I entered the cryptocurrency trading industry with enthusiasm and the teachings of others. I was very excited when I first became a cryptocurrency trader. I felt that I had finally found a way to make money in the cryptocurrency circle without losing money. However, within two months of actual combat, many bank cards were frozen. At that time, the KYC methods of our cryptocurrency trading were the strictest and most abnormal in the cryptocurrency trading circle. Even so, we still received the funds involved in the case and our cards were frozen.

Let’s talk about the risks of looking for exchanges and currency dealers to issue U.

The cryptocurrency world is a big melting pot with all kinds of black capital. The people in it are just these few types: those who really speculate in cryptocurrencies and play contracts, fraudsters, Ponzi schemes, online gamblers, money-stealing people, all kinds of scammers, hackers... It can be said that the cryptocurrency world hides all the filth of the world.

Do you still think that the funds you receive from selling U on the exchange are clean? Even the currency traders themselves often freeze their cards and cannot 100% guarantee the safety of funds, let alone you small investors?

Some people say that they have never had their account frozen when selling U on an exchange. I don’t deny that, but it’s a matter of probability. If your account is not frozen now, it doesn’t mean it won’t be frozen in the future. Yes, some people have left the cryptocurrency circle, but their accounts are still frozen, just because they sold U on an exchange many years ago.

Again, if you are not looking for absolute security in selling U, then continue to use this method.

2. Fake exchange.

People are divided into different classes, and the same is true for exchanges. The currency traders in the top exchanges are still okay, but for those fake exchanges, many of the bosses behind them are illegal overseas personnel, not to mention the currency traders inside.

To put it bluntly, there is no risk control capability in the fake exchanges to constrain the cryptocurrency traders, and most of the cryptocurrency traders there are funded by black money.

No serious cryptocurrency trader would go to a fake exchange. Even if the profit is high, they are afraid of being pressured.

3. OTC Trading

Over-the-counter trading generally refers to finding someone you know in social software groups such as Airplane, Bat, etc. to buy and sell U.

Everyone on the plane should be treated as a liar. Although this statement is not rigorous, as long as you follow the way of thinking of Tianji, at least you will not be deceived.

Think about it, who would trade on a cryptographic software like Airplane? If the cryptocurrency world hides the dirt of the world, then “Airplane” is the dirt itself.

When selling U on the plane, you will either be cheated or receive pure black money.

You sell it from him, and after you transfer it to him, he directly lets the upstream fraudsters transfer the black money to you.

This money does not go through his bank account. After your transaction is successful, he receives the profit difference from the fraudsters.

There is a high probability that your bank card will be frozen by the judiciary because of receiving illegal funds.

4. eBiPay and ULinx

Like ULinx, the bosses behind Yibifu are all gambling bosses, and they are used to pay U to gamblers. When you sell U from Yibifu, just like withdrawing RMB from the platform, you can often receive funds involved in the case.

When you transfer U to Yibifu to sell, 100% of the money you receive comes from gambling platforms and online fraud funds.

If you convert U to RMB in Yibipay, then congratulations, you are likely to receive pure fraud funds. Do you know that there will be a period of waiting when selling U on Yibipay platform? It is to match you with fraud funds, or wait for gamblers to pay.

In the field of running points, the funds of gambling are better, because gamblers' money is hard-earned, but there are also some gamblers who are desperate to lose money and call the police to say that they have been cheated by the gambling platform.

Why your card hasn’t been frozen at Yibipay? Because you are lucky, the funds matched to you are those of gamblers.

If you are given matching funds for online fraud, I'm sorry, the victim will call the police directly and say that they have transferred the money to you and they suspect that you are in cahoots with the scammers.

You should know that your card is a real-name card with a photo and fingerprint. There is no more direct evidence than a bank card (WeChat and Alipay are the same). Uncle will directly target you and stop payment on your bank account.

You have no privacy on the Internet. You must believe in your uncle's ability. The reason I don't look for you now is because you haven't surfaced yet, or you are not important enough for your uncle to catch you across provinces. Maybe your information is already in your uncle's hands.

5. U card

Using U card to cash out U is a good choice. If you can accept its handling fee, then it is a perfect product.

The MasterCard U card is a card that allows you to recharge U into the card (physical), and then withdraw various currencies from offline ATMs. You can also use the U in the card for offline consumption, such as shopping in supermarkets, buying groceries, and cigarettes.

The money you withdraw from an ATM using a U card comes from the bank and there is no counterparty, so it is safe.

When you deposit 100U into the MasterCard U card, the digital bank will confirm the asset as 100 euros. Then you withdraw 100Usdt from an ATM. First, the digital bank will send it to the Bank of China at the corresponding exchange rate. The Bank of China will settle the corresponding RMB to you according to the real-time exchange rate (USD to RMB).

U card is suitable for:

Those who are punished for having their cards cut off, those who are retail investors in the cryptocurrency circle who are afraid of having their cards frozen when withdrawing money, those who are public officials speculating in cryptocurrency, and those who are online gamblers cashing out.

6. Offline transactions

You are afraid of freezing your credit card if you sell it at the exchange, or being scammed online, so you choose to sell it offline.

Those who sell U offline are generally big customers. After all, a small amount of U is not worth meeting offline.

This type of offline transaction usually involves contacting the buyer online, negotiating a price, agreeing on a location, and then meeting in person to complete the transaction in cash or by transfer.

Here comes the trick. Some unscrupulous people will kick you out of the car and run away after receiving your U offline. Also, the person who meets you in real life is not the one you chat with online, but just a henchman who meets you. After you transfer U, the other party will not transfer the money.

You go to the henchman, and he says you didn't transfer the coins to me. You call the police, and he says he was also cheated by someone else.

However, these situations rarely happen. If you trade offline, make sure the person you meet is the boss who is transferring your money, and then find a relatively safe place to trade.

In fact, offline transactions are a relatively safe method.

7. Be familiar with and trust currency traders

This kind of currency traders make their living by IP, that is, their personal image. Their own channels are mainly for core fan transactions, and they will not go out to do random transactions. Reputation and credibility are the basis of their livelihood, so many currency traders who do IP can promise to pay full compensation for frozen cards without reason.

But the loss is huge. They want to make money, so the loss is between 3-6%. Such currency dealers will basically give you real-name registration and give you real estate certificates and other information to reassure you. If you cannot use your real-name, don't be deceived.

It is a very important promise to compensate frozen cards in full without reason. Reputation is more important than profit. Of course, many colleagues will criticize us, but it doesn’t matter because we only serve private customers and are reluctant to lose money. We will not add you as a friend. This kind of funds are regular funds of e-commerce, so we can make this promise.