In a stable market, the rotation of sectors is unstoppable, which is reflected in two aspects:

1. Rotation between different sectors.

Recently, the more representative ones are the mutual climbing between the popular sectors rwa, meme, solana, ai artificial intelligence and chain games, which are growing while the other is declining.

2. Rotation between different coins in the same sector. Popular coins, high-quality coins, and potential coins all have the opportunity to take turns to show their talents.

RWA's rio, axl, om, etc., meme's pepe, doge, shib, aidoge, etc., solana's ray, sol, jup, pyth, etc., ai artificial intelligence's wld, agix, rdnr, glm, etc., chain games' gala, starl, sand, gf, etc.

So once the market stabilizes, you should start with the popular coins in the hot sectors first, and the principle of alternating rotation between and within sectors can be used as the best indicator of the order of ambush coins. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry

1. Between sectors: Don't chase which sector is rising, but ambush the popular coins of another sector in advance.

2. Within the sector: Don’t chase whichever coin is rising, but ambush the popular coins in the same sector in advance.

When the market is booming and sluggish, the coins are also listed alternately, which is the charm of rotation.