How can your investments pay for your expenses and tastes? First you must find what the annual interest rate is, and with that you can see how much money you need to invest monthly for what you want to generate.

The important thing is that it depends on your sector and your intelligence in different markets, for example:

In fixed income: a very good percentage that you can achieve without risking is up to 15% annually

In variable income like the stock market: here without taking risks you can make between 100% and 150% annually

And in crypto, which is the most dangerous and least regulated market, you can reach 100% monthly.

(These values ​​are something sustainable and with many months or years of experience).

The point is that with your experience and techniques, you can get the monthly or annual percentage and with that you can know how much money you need for your purchases or to reinvest.

A very common horror is not taking out the money you earn from your investments, especially in this market. A rule that I recommend is to withdraw 10% monthly from your profits (with this you can get money for your tastes, without decapitalizing your investments).