Analysis and sharing of ETH market trends in the early morning of April 21

Yesterday was the date of BTC halving, but yesterday's Ethereum white market was lifeless. At 0:00 this morning, it finally showed a new trend. Below 3000 may become a thing of the past. It is highly likely that it will not break down in the short term. At about 1:30 in the morning, Ethereum rebounded to around 3165. From the daily line, the KDJ three lines turned upward, and the MACD fast and slow lines showed signs of turning upward below the 0 axis. The short energy column continued to shrink. From the four-hour level, the K line has walked out of a gradually upward price channel. The subsequent market is still dominated by longs. In order to start steadily, Step, it is recommended to do more on the callback, real-time guidance: btc0931#ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC减半意味着什么

ETH operation suggestion: long order layout near 3090-3120, target 3180-3210, risk control: 3060

This column has long focused on the market dynamics of mainstream currencies and daily point analysis. I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past seven years. I used to be a leek. Recently, some operations are not ideal. I want to learn without a teacher. Welcome to leave a message to discuss together. If you are lucky, you can get real-time guidance.