🎉🎉The $BTC has undergone its halving🎉🎉

Now all eyes are on its behavior. Here's my analysis:

1. **BTC Historical Perspective:**

Since its inception, BTC has experienced highs and lows. However, after each #halving event, it has eventually reached new all-time highs. This time should be no different!!

2. **BTC Outlook:**

⚠️⚠️Following the halving, we can expect a consolidation period. There might be a minor drop before BTC resumes its upward trajectory! You should stay vigilant! ⚠️⚠️

3. **My Advice:**

Personally, I placed an open oder, not on BTC but on $ETH at 2800$.

Why #Ethereum ? Because it's by far outperformed by BTC!

#Write2Earn #bitcoinhalving #Token2049

Stay tuned and good luck with your investments! 💰🚀