In most people's cognition, having money can solve many problems. But have you ever thought that it is because you have solved the problem that you have money. It is not that you have money that solves the problem.

At the beginning, the cognition fell into a misunderstanding, and the thinking was directly shut down. In this case, the probability of reversing the situation is very small, unless our resilience is very online.

If a person wants to have more than 80 or 90 digits of wealth, he must solve many problems in the process. If the problems are not solved, how can you be rewarded and rewarded?

After getting wealth, you must quickly have a plan and countermeasures to control it. It's not that you can just close your eyes and eat, drink and have fun. Click on the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, and enter the skirt for free. I have seen too many old people who were very cool when they were young, and they worked directly as laborers when they were old.

There is nothing wrong with their behavior, because behavior depends on cognition. But if there is a problem with cognition, there is no way to behave. So wealth is a reward for cognition.