#ARK策略 ARK coin currently shows a market trend of bullish dominance in the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour time frames. In this market pattern, we should focus on the key position of 0.7717, the long-short boundary price of the antenna.

Once the ARK coin successfully rebounds and breaks through the long-short boundary price of 0.7717, it will mean the start of a new round of antennas, and the market bullish force is expected to be further released. At this time, we should pay close attention to the long pressure level, especially the two important points of 0.8733 and 0.9241. These positions may become the key resistance areas in the process of ARK coin price rise, and are also an important reference for us to formulate long trading strategies.

However, if the ARK coin fails to successfully break through the price of 0.7717, the market may face certain callback pressure. In this case, we should pay attention to the short support level, especially the two positions of 0.7254 and 0.6665. These areas will become potential support points when the ARK coin price falls, and are also an important basis for us to formulate short trading strategies.

In summary, ARK coin is currently in a market pattern dominated by many parties, but the situation of long and short interweaving still exists. We need to remain vigilant, pay close attention to market dynamics, and flexibly adjust trading strategies according to market trends. During the operation, it is important to pay attention to risk control and reasonably allocate funds to achieve a stable return on investment.

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