When I was a child, my family was very rich and ran a factory. In the 1990s, my family drove a Mercedes-Benz S680, which cost more than 1 million yuan at the time. I lived a life of ease and comfort since I was a child. I had baskets of toys and piles of DVDs. Basically, I had everything I wanted. When I was in school, my teachers called me "young master" in private. When I was 18, my mother gave me a Lamborghini. This kind of life lasted until I was in my first year of college. My family fell into poverty and my father became ill. My mother took care of me and my father day and night and never left me.

I had a girlfriend who was my high school classmate. We were together in our first year of college. Because my father was ill, I sold the car to pay for his medical treatment. When my girlfriend found out, she had a big fight with me. I always thought that my girlfriend was not with me because I was rich. Later, I slowly found that she had changed. Finally, when I was in my sophomore year, I found out that my family fell into poverty and immediately chose to break up with me. She seamlessly joined my good brother. Damn this pair of dogs and bitches.

My girlfriend betrayed me, my brother sold me out, and my family fell into poverty. I couldn't get over this shadow for more than a year. Later, when I was about to graduate from college, my parents told me that they were all pretending. I asked what about my father's illness. He was in a wheelchair. The doctor said he couldn't walk anymore. I said it was paronychia and his feet hurt when he walked. I deliberately said this to prevent you from getting into trouble in college. Your car has been redeemed. Take it and drive it.

When we graduated from college, we had a dinner together and chose a 5-star Victoria Hotel, which is a hotel owned by my father's major shareholder. I drove a bull, and the bitch was there too. As soon as I entered the door, they mocked me: Oh, isn't this Master Wang? I thought you disdain to eat with people of low class like us. Oh, by the way, I forgot. Master Wang's family fell into poverty and he became a poor bastard without money. Haha, don't worry, Master Wang, you don't have to pay for this meal. Our Master Qin will treat you. I laughed and ignored them. They kept teasing me, laughing at me, and deliberately making things difficult for me during the meal. I didn't expect human nature to be so ugly. I had never suffered such injustice since I was a child. I was so angry that I started cursing at them, but they just said lightly: Hey, I was just kidding you, why are you so easily teased?We started fighting, and the waiter and security came. Young Master Qin said, "Kick me out. I am a silver VIP of your hotel." The security said, "Sir, please get out. You are not welcome here." I said, "He is just a silver VIP, how dare he kick me out?" "Look what this is." I threw a black card to him. When the waiter saw it, he was like, "Fuck, a black gold super VIP membership card." The hotel gave out three cards at once. One was from Mr. Wang, the major shareholder, another was from Mr. Huang in Beijing, and the third was from Mr. Dong. This man is so young, and none of these three look like him. Could this man be Mr. Huang? It's unlikely. Young Master Qin said, "Waiter, what are you doing? Get this Wang guy out quickly. I want to vomit when I see him." When the waiter heard that his surname was Wang, he knew that his card must be fake, and immediately said, "Get out quickly. You dare to pretend to be a black gold super VIP membership card? You are courting death. Get out quickly." The noise here was so loud that it alarmed the general manager of the hotel. The general manager's surname is Liu. When we were young, we often met and he always bought things for me. Later, I was too busy with the hotel work and didn't contact much. The general manager came in and opened the door and said, what are you doing? Why are you arguing? You are just a silver member and you are shouting here. Do you think this is your home? When Qin Shao saw Manager Liu coming in, he quickly smiled flatteringly and said, Uncle Liu, do you still remember me? I am Qin Shou's son, Qin Lao. Manager Liu said, I have met many people, who are you? I have never heard of you. Qin Lao smiled embarrassedly and said, General Manager Liu, there is nothing wrong with us. It's just a poor guy who came to make trouble. We will drive him out now. He pointed at me. When Manager Liu saw me, his eyes widened and asked, "Why are you here, Mr. Wang?" Everyone whispered timidly, didn't Mr. Wang's family fall into poverty? At this time, I said, click on the avatar to follow me. Continue to listen to my road to revenge.