There are many opportunities, regulations cannot keep up with development, and the currency circle is close to money, so it is naturally a place with great risks and returns.
Count the people around us who invest, whether it is stock investment or digital currency investment, how many people have made a profit? In the stock market, it basically conforms to "seven losses, two draws and one win", and in digital currency it is not much better. Further research shows that among these seven losses and two draws, most people have entered the following four "investment mass graves".

1. Frequent buying and selling, chasing ups and downs

There is a common joke among stock investors: "You are manipulating the market. Once you get in, the market goes down, and once you get out, the market goes up." In fact, these people are also angry, as if the market is targeting their money. Such people often make predictions about the market, predicting how it will go tomorrow or next month, and then want to make money from every fluctuation. The actions they take are frequent buying and selling, chasing ups and downs, but the final result is physical and mental exhaustion, and the results are still very poor.
But the fact is that short-term market fluctuations are unpredictable, and only gods can predict them. In the short term, the factors that cause market price fluctuations are very complex and difficult to grasp, including policy changes, industry development, capital layout, market sentiment, etc. In the long term, the price of the target returns to the value of the target. Instead of wasting time and effort on these unpredictable fluctuations, it is better to do more research on the target and upgrade your understanding of the investment market.
Another major drawback of frequent transactions is the handling fee. Each time you are charged only 1/1000 of the handling fee, after 10 times, your money is 1% less. Why the platform currency has risen more in recent months is closely related to the considerable handling fees in the currency circle, and these handling fees are all paid by the investors in the currency circle.

2. Leverage and lack of ability to trade futures
There are many cases of margin calls. In 2015, a Changsha man who bought CRRC stocks with leverage jumped off a building after his margin call. More recently, a few months ago, I saw a friend in the group talk about how he was scared to death when he opened the market software after getting a haircut. He found that the price of the currency plummeted during the haircut and his 1.2 million yuan margin call was almost liquidated. In fact, in investment, if you have the ability, you can get considerable returns without leverage; while those who lack the ability will only die faster if they use leverage in futures trading. Especially in the currency circle, the fluctuation range is too large, and trading does not stop for 24 hours. Don't use leverage or trade futures when you are not capable enough.

3. Listening to gossip without doing your own research and thinking

It is often seen that when the market is better, some people say that the bull market is coming. It really fits the saying, "One big positive line, thousands of troops come to meet; two big positive lines, the big V of the currency god appears; three big positive lines, retail investors chase high and do not listen to advice". Here, we have to distinguish two very important concepts, views and facts. No matter how others view it, "the bull market is coming" is just the view of others. There may be logical reasoning, or there may not be. In any case, they did not say it, or the logic is not sufficient. More importantly, what is our judgment, what is our logic, and what is our corresponding strategy for this. If you don't have your own research, how can you hold it? Without your own thinking, how can you face the interference of various external news. According to the structure of our brain, the processing of conditioned reflexes is controlled by the amygdala area of ​​the brain, which is also shared by humans and other mammals, such as monkeys; people's higher-level thoughts such as learning, planning, and imagination are mainly based on the cerebral cortex. When you don't make in-depth research and independent thinking, you will react instinctively to the price trend, and your decision-making will be controlled by emotions. The quality of decision-making is generally not too high, and the consequences may be disastrous. Gossip is also never reliable. If the gossip is OK, why would others tell you? A little greed on our part may cost us a heavy price.

4. Not Distinguishing Luck from Ability

Some people may make a lot of money for a while because the market is good or they follow the right person, but they forget that they are lucky. Some people even think that they have extraordinary abilities and talents. There is a high probability that such people will hit a wall in their future investment journey and suffer even greater losses. Both Eastern and Western sages tell us that people need to be self-aware and know themselves. An example that Teacher Xiaolai once gave at the Hangzhou Blockchain Industrial Park was deeply impactful. He said: "The founding partner of Sequoia Capital, Shen Nanpeng, is rated as the best investor in the world. During an interview, Mr. Shen Nanpeng said something simple and something that I agree with: He said it's not me who is smart. , because the water is big and the fish is big. If you list three or five unicorns in the United States, they will be gone, but here you can list thirty or fifty, so of course we can make it big." Such an excellent and successful investment. Those who view their own achievements more objectively, not to mention what ability do we have to prove that we are gifted?

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