Analysis and sharing of ETH market trends in the early morning of April 20

Today is the date of BTC halving. Many coin friends are affected and think that the bull market will start from now. Judging from the rules of the three BTC halvings in previous years, a new bull market will start about half a year after each BTC halving, which will last for about 2 years. Therefore, it will not have much impact on short-term coin friends. BTC halving does not mean that the price of BTC will be halved, but the quantity will be halved. The halving of quantity means greater demand. As the saying goes, "scarcity makes things valuable", the subsequent market can still follow the normal thinking. Ethereum pulled back to around 2860 yesterday morning, and then rebounded to around 3128. The current price of the currency fluctuates in the range of 3060-3090, with obvious main force washing phenomenon. In order to start steadily in the subsequent market, it is recommended to do more in the pullback. Real-time guidance: btc0931#ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC减半

ETH operation suggestion: long orders around 3020-3050, target 3120-3150, risk control: 2990

This column has long focused on the market dynamics of mainstream currencies and daily point analysis. I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past seven years. I used to be a leek. Recently, some operations are not ideal. I want to learn without a teacher. Welcome to leave a message to discuss together. If you are lucky, you can get real-time guidance.