Blockchain Liangqiu: 4.20 Short orders once again take up space, with evening strategy ideas

Last night, we again deployed big cake with a space order idea. In the morning, big cake directly broke 60,000, and Ethereum broke 2,900, and the short order space was full. Immediately after the white market rose, we again deployed short orders near 65,000 for big cake and 3110 to 3130 for Ethereum. As of now, the lowest price of big cake has touched 63,500 again, and the lowest price of Ethereum has touched 3040. Big cake has once again taken up nearly 1,500 points of space, and Ethereum has taken up 70 points of space. The high and fall are in line with expectations. The layout is open to the whole network. Congratulations to friends who follow up. Shipan customers have also directly taken up space in the past few days.

At present, big cake and Ethereum fluctuate up and down, and the high point keeps moving down. There is still room for shock repair in the evening market. The four-hour line begins to fluctuate and weaken. In the evening, operations can continue to pull up short orders to enter the market, mainly in bands. At present, the overall market volatility is very good. Friends who are not doing well can communicate more.

In the early morning, it is recommended to continue to enter the short position of Bitcoin around 64500 to 64800, with a target of around 63000; continue to enter the short position of Ethereum around 3090 to 3120, with a target of around 3000 to 3030. The post is timely. The current market is good. Friends who have difficulty in controlling the rhythm can consult more. More strategies are mainly based on real-time guidance. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势