Today is a dramatic day. Bitcoin first plummeted, then soared.

Many people who couldn't bear it psychologically really cut their losses and left the market. In just one hour, the market quickly took the lead and resumed the upward trend.

This really confused the retail investors. They thought they had sold at the right price, but unexpectedly they ended up cutting their losses close to the floor.

Especially for those who are engaged in contracts, it should be a dream. The market is still there, but the principal is gone.

This market situation has made most people more and more afraid, because the market is bearish and bullish voices are coming one after another.

People who are not firm in their hearts are also completely confused. They don’t know whether to buy or sell.

However, for us, the market is actually very simple. The more critical the period, the more it tests our skills and investment experience.

For those who don’t understand technology, this kind of sharp drop is very scary.

For a newbie, this kind of market slashing is extremely frightening.

This is the biggest test. Either you are a seasoned professional who can handle it calmly.

Either you are in a high-quality circle, where professionals can give you detailed analysis.

You can have confidence, hold on to your coins or make some position adjustments to resist unknown risks and maximize your future profits.

The bull market is very bloody, because the best time to harvest retail investors is the bull market, not the bear market.

As the old saying goes: To destroy a man, you must first make him crazy.

Only when the greed deep in human nature is aroused, will he become arrogant and look down on everything, and finally make irreparable mistakes and fall completely.

Obviously, the big bull market is paving the way, just like this wave of market, let everyone make money first, the copycats collectively exploded, and everyone's account soared

Finally, the stock price plummeted, catching retail investors off guard.

The bull market is a paradise for contracts and a hotbed for speculators. It seems that everyone is getting rich, but in fact, they are just fish on the chopping board of the main force, at the mercy of others.

You did it right 99 times, but it only takes one time for the main force to harvest you.

The current market situation is very different from the past. The days of fighting alone are gone.

True and false news are flying everywhere, and the market may go up or down. If you keep gambling your life savings on this, you will have no chance of winning.

The halving market is about to start, and you have no idea about the future. It is like you are already standing on the battlefield fighting, others are wearing armor and swords, but you are unarmed.

Such an outcome is predictable. It is bound to fall under the knife of others and become a victim of the bull market.

The correct approach should be to quickly improve your abilities, equip yourself fully, and develop in the direction where you can learn real skills.

Obviously, if you like to do spot trading, then you should only choose a professional design that suits your current situation and devote your time, energy, and material resources to it.

Use the shortest time to grow yourself up, because most retail investors in the cryptocurrency circle are lying flat. If you make a little progress, then you will have a better chance of winning this bull market.

There is an 80/20 rule in the cryptocurrency world. Everyone has many communities. If you observe carefully, you will find that there are only a few people who can really make long-term and stable profits, and there are only a few professional companies that can survive in the cryptocurrency world for 4 years!

I am very lucky. I have been following Shequ for 4 years. This is also the second bull market I have experienced. I have not missed out on opportunities, and I have not been afraid at all.

I have grown from a novice to now being able to understand the market and independently analyze currencies, all because of the systematic learning I received in our company.

Otherwise, I would be like most people, deceived by the various traps set by the main force, lose all my life savings, and be in debt and humble.

Just like I was certain in May 2023 that 2024 would be a bull market, the future market conditions will be announced in the first place, and I don’t need to worry about anything.

I have summarized a poem to share with you:

If you don’t distinguish between bull and bear cycles, the cryptocurrency world is full of pitfalls

If you make a wrong deal, you will lose your whole life. Even your car and house will have to change owners.#比特币减半 #WIF #ENA $SOL $DOGE