The revelation of the K-line of life: the balance between health and risk

Every time you get sick, it is like a callback of the K-line of life. When we are healthy, we often don’t realize its preciousness, and we only focus on leveraging our lives in the smooth period of life, expecting more benefits. But when we stay up late, drink alcohol, and pay a high price to satisfy short-term happiness, it is like taking huge risks in investment for higher returns.

Some people have small leverage, and they can deal with it calmly even when facing a retracement in life. And some people are too greedy, leverage is full, and they may eventually fail miserably. But before that, we often don’t realize the terribleness of risk, just like we know that it is not good to get sick or to blow up the position, but only when we really experience that kind of pain, we will really understand it.

However, life always goes round and round, just like the bull and bear changes in the stock market. Every recovery of the body is like a new beginning. But only when we really hurt, we will really know how to cherish and understand the importance of health.

So, let us cherish our health while pursuing life. Don’t pay a long-term price for short-term happiness. After the pain, we must learn to cherish, so that we can truly live a wonderful life.

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