Title: "Technical Analysis of HIGH/USD in 1D: Study of AMD and Double Bottom"🎗💫💦🌕🌕🔥

Subtitle: "Exploring Upcoming Price Movements and Targets"🍰🎗⭐🌕💢🍿🍿

Introduction: In this technical analysis, we examine the price action of HIGH/USD on a daily time frame, highlighting the presence of an AMD followed by a double bottom. We analyze how this pattern led to a breakout higher, reaching Fibonacci retracement levels from 0.38 to 0.681, as well as 0.886, before a correction to close liquidity. We then discuss the prospects for a bullish recovery, with a focus on short-term price targets.🍰⭐🌕💢💢

Summary: The breakout higher after the formation of the AMD and double bottom was followed by a correction to close liquidity. Traders are now monitoring upcoming price objectives including the 1.212, 1.414 and 1.618 expansion bars.#HIGH#USD#TechnicalAnalysis#AMD#DoubleBottom#Fibonacci#BarreExpansion1212#BarreExpansion1414 #Binance