During the TED conference in Vancouver on April 15, Google's AI CEO, Demis Hassabis, said Google will spend more than $100 billion on developing artificial intelligence (AI).

Although he did not reveal details about Google's spending plan, Mr. Hassabis confirmed that the company's investment will surpass Microsoft's $100 billion figure. He also emphasized Google's superior computing capacity compared to its competitors, which is one of the reasons DeepMind chose to cooperate with Google in 2014.

Their goal is to achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which means AI reaches the same level of knowledge as humans in many fields.

Previously in March, Hassabis expressed concern that the huge amount of money pouring into AI has similarities with the cryptocurrency craze, which could deflect attention from the real scientific research behind it. the development of AI. However, the director is still optimistic about the future of AI and believes that a new era of scientific discovery is coming.