Today is April 19th, BTC price is 64300. One cannonball went over, another cannonball came over. No one was hurt, but a lot of contracts died. It was all about human relationships.

Back to the market:

1. The altcoins are no longer falling as much. On the contrary, they have their original flavor when they rebound, so there will be 2-3 days of profit here. Among the mainstream coins, SOL is stronger than BTC, which is a good thing. So is it safe now? Unfortunately, I think it is still in the range of fluctuations. I only look at fluctuations offline, and I am realistic; so if there is short-term profit in the past two days, it is recommended to sell it first.

2. Two short-term bottom-picking signals were formed at 21:40 last night and 2:07 this morning. They rebounded in the morning. At noon, BTC dropped to 60,000. The pull-up force at 14:00 in the afternoon was a bit abrupt. The short-term pressure level of BTC is 65075 ~ 66120, and the short-term support level of BTC is 62330 ~ 61370

3. In terms of operation, (I am a little conservative recently, and there are not many real bullets, and the main force is very cunning), the operation suggestions I can give now are only for short-term, and it is not recommended to chase buying. Exchange qun+V: 2758624303 "Offline" status does not support continuous positive daily lines. If it rises again, the contract shorting advantage is large. The opportunity to bottom out exists when it falls. After rising, you have to wait for a small level of sideways time period

4. It is best for BTC to close the daily line tomorrow and a bottom needle appears. Then the probability of a rebound next week is very high. The bottom defense battle of 60,000 is very exciting #比特币减半 #大盘走势